Accelerating Venues

Become Efficient

Mobile first

Created for the always on the go, working person, Venue Plus is designed for all your portible devices so you can be on top of things, even when backstage or on your way to the event.


Creating, managing and staffing events has never been so streamlined. Create riders, backstage passes or food lists on the fly. Manage salary and wrap up on the go!


Plan events stretching over multiple days without the trouble of creating multiple events and create sets of personel or manage them in real time during the event.

A new way of planning events

Accelerating venues since 2005

610 Consulting is an innovative software partner specializing in venue and event planning software.
Are you ready for your business largest transformation since you went digital? Scroll down and contact us!

Make Contact

610 Consulting
Gillinge 43
186 91 Vallentuna
+46 734 417313
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